Tuesday, December 1, 2009


We went in for our ultrasound on November 30th at 20 weeks pregnant. I was feeling pretty nervous about the outcome since we were wanting a girl so badly and knowing that this is my last pregnancy.
It is just so amazing to see you little baby moving around inside you up on the screen that that alone almost brought me to tears. We had mentioned to the ultrasound tech that we were really hoping for a girl and at one point so said something like "I think you got what you wanted" but I wasn't sure if I had heard her correctly so I tried not to get my hopes up.
As we were going through checking everything on the baby for proper development she showed us the "bottom" again and put a little arrow on the screen. She said "you see where it is flat? that is where something would be for a boy." I was feeling pretty choked up but I still didn't want to get overly excited since I know it is harder to tell a girl than a boy.
After we were all finished I asked how confident she was that if was a girl and she said that we had several good looks from different angles and unless it was hiding pretty well it was definitely a girl!
We came home and showed the ultrasound pictures to the boys and my mom and they were very excited to find out we would be having a little girl in April. Everything is measuring on time and the development all looked good. We are very thankful for the family that God has given us to care for. Praise God for answered prayers!
Today Hayden has preschool and will be taking the ultrasound pictures in as a "special" show and tell day so he is excited about that also.
I will get some of the ultrasound pictures posted once I am able to get them scanned.