Monday, February 18, 2013


Well our countdown until the big trip to Orlando is almost over!  This time 2 days from now we will be arriving in sunny Florida for a two week stay.  The kids are getting so excited - it seems like all they talk about most of the time now.  We got the house cleaned yesterday and I have been checking things off my to do list in preparation.  I am starting to get a little anxious since I haven't flown for several years and the last times I have I typically gotten sick.  Hopefully I will be fine and the flight will be smooth and uneventful!  I have stocked up on motion sickness remedies and have been working on packing the final items needed.  We are all looking forward to seeing my parents again and spending the time with them.  Hayden cant wait for Sea World and Aubrey is so excited to ride on a airplane and see Minnie Mouse!  I think Nile is just excited to get away and not have school for a while, even though he actually likes school and does really well! 

It seems like just yesterday we were looking at airline tickets for our trip but it was actually many months ago.  2013 is flying by just as fast as 2012 did for us.  I am working hard on school to be ahead and not have to worry about it too much on vacation.  The boys were told to work on reading and I told them they would be writing a journal, I am sure it will be a great keepsake of the trip for all of us! 

Jeremy has been looking at the weather forecast for our trip and it looks like it should be in the 80's the whole time.  Looking forward to seeing the palm trees and lots of sunshine!