Thursday, June 16, 2016

Ball games times 3

This was our first year with all three kids playing ball.  Hayden played his first year of Majors, Nile played his first year of Minors, and Aubrey played her first year of coach pitch.  We were very excited to be able to use the new Pella Sports Park for many of the boys' games and Aubrey has gotten to play there as well. 
Hayden on the mound

Nile at bat

Nile was awarded the game ball after one of his games.  He got a hit and pitched well.

Hayden at bat

Aubrey ready for her first game

Nile on the mound

Aubrey at bat

Hayden's team.  They improved so much through the season and were a great group of boys!

Thursday, February 11, 2016


This past weekend I was able to attend a women's Christian conference here in town.  It was called the IF Gathering.  I was reluctant to go but knew it would be great so I got out of the house and spent intentional time with other women learning and praising.  It was a great experience!  There were many speakers I had not heard of and a few I knew. 

In our small group at church right now were are going through a book and study about learning to hear God's voice.  We just went through Radical by David Platt as a whole church and I am working hard to keep my focus on God and spend my time appropriately.

My Wednesday night work out/Bible study group has been going through Lysa TerKeurst's new book The Best Yes.  It teaches we need to keep balance and say yes to what the best things God has for us.  In order to know these things we have to be in close relationship with Him and keep our hearts and ears open.

It has been pretty amazing so far to see how many of the things I have been learning and working on have connected.  Definitely a sign!  So I am posting some of the things I feel I need to change/adjust to keep myself accountable and make them more concrete. 

With the business of our children's activities, my full time daycare, and church activities I am finding I need to be more proactive with my time and energy. 

1. less time on my phone - this seems simple enough but I am sure many of you can relate that it isnt always so easy to stick to

2. spend more quite time with the Lord and work on journaling

3. find some spirtual mentors I can talk to when needed

4. be more intentional and present with my family, friends, and daycare kiddos

It's a small list but I think it is where I need to start. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Cali trip

Last week Jeremy and I headed off to California for a little vacation and to see the Iowa Hawkeyes in the Rose bowl.  The weather was a little cooler than we were hoping for and the game was a bust but other than that we had a great trip!!