Monday, September 5, 2011

New additions to the Rozenboom household

Well it has been a little while since my last post so I thought I would take a minute to update you on some of the happenings around our small piece of the world. I have been super busy with school - what was I thinking taking three classes, on of which being Latin!! The kids and I were checking on our fish tank last weekend and our final fish was no where to be found so I decided it was finally time to completely clean the tank out and start over. We drained the tank and washed out the rocks as best we could - and by me I mean me of course. The next day we headed to Wal-Mart to get a new "bubble system" for lack of a better term and got the tank refilled and let the water set before picking up some new fish the next afternoon. We picked out four fish and added them to our tank - only to discover that one was dead the next morning :(

Fast forward a week or so and we just happened to be in DSM today to go to the zoo and pick up something for Hayden's upcoming 7th (yikes) birthday and there was a Petco nearby so we stopped in and picked out four new little fish! They have been added to our tank and hopefully they will all be swimming right side up by morning!!

God Bless!
The Rozenbooms

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