Monday, September 24, 2012

Nile's first Hawkeye football game

Well Nile's fist Hawkeye football game didnt end in a win but he sure had a great time.  Daddy said he was very good, made it through the whole game, and had lots of snacks.  He did get to see several Iowa touchdowns and participate in the I O W A around the stadium.  They sit in the A section.  I think he caught the bug now because he asked if he could go again next week!

Nile with a picture by his namesake's info in the stadium

Hawkeye marching band and Nile


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Iowa vs UNI

The group Jeremy goes to the Iowa football games with had an extra ticket for the game last weekend so I was able to go for free!  Thanks Zack!  My mom was nice enough to watch the kiddos for us and they love going to Grammie and Grandpa's house.  The weather forecast was supposed to be cool but I think they were a little off.  Where we sit in the stands the sun literally beats down on you the whole game.  I was very hot in my jeans and Uggs.  I also had a nice little sunburn and a white tigerhawk mark on my check from my sticker tattoo!  But the Hawks played well and won and a good time was had by all!!
Hawkeye love
Hawks win 27 to 16
It was very warm and Jeremy even let me use his beloved bandanna to tie my hair back - he loves me!!

Aubrey's new sleeping position

Aubrey has decided she now has a very particular way she like to lay down to sleep for naps of bedtime.  First she needs a "bookie" and her Minnie Mouse water bottle.  Then she has to arrange all of her babies in a nice row by her and then lay down on her pillow pet with her blankie and pillow on top of her!  It will be interesting to see how this transitions for her when she moves to a full size bed later this year.  Here are a few pictures of my sleeping beauty!  The shirt she is wearing says "I'd rather be shopping with my mom" and it is her favorite shirt!  Everyday when I am getting her dressed she says "Shopping mom shirt"!  Jeremy doesn't appreciate this on game days! :-)

Friday, September 7, 2012

RVTV in Pella

Nile throwing for the uprights

Hayden punting for the uprights

Cutest Hawk fans contest

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Last Saturday our wonderful neighbors invited us to go boating with them.  The kids had a blast and Jeremy was able to get home in time for the Iowa game.  That night we grilled and had a fire.  Love our new neighborhood!!
Hayden and Auston on the tube

Hayden and Mommy on the tube - not a great pic thanks to my hubby

Floating in the tube - the whole family minus Hayden