Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tooth fairy

Nile likes to let his loose teeth hang on as long as possible.  He has been telling me for a week that his tooth was really loose but he doesnt want Jeremy to help with it and he just lets it be.  Yesterday morning Nile got up and was getting ready to eat breakfast and he noticed that his loose tooth was gone!  We checked his bed and didnt see anything so I just assumed he swallowed it in the night.  Hayden actually ate his very first loose tooth so I wasnt terribly concerned.

Fast forward to last night and Hayden also had a loose tooth that he wanted Jeremy to help him with.  Daddy worked on it a little but then Hayden did it him self and got the tooth out.  2 lost teeth from 2 boys in 1 day!  When we were looking for Hayden's tooth box to put the tooth in I stepped on something next to his bed and it was Nile's tooth!  Nile had made a note to the tooth fairy to explain prior to finding the tooth, just to make sure it still counted.  The note said, "Dear tooth fairy.  I ate my tooth."  For some reason the simplicity of this note is just too cute and sweet to me!

Both the boys got a visit from the tooth fairy, which Nile is convinced is his 1st grade teacher, and I am waiting for them to wake up and find their reward.

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