Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Snow fun

The countdown is down to 4 days and today we got (and are still getting) a good snowfall.  Aubrey and I decided to go out this morning and play in the snow for a little while.

The snow was sticking together but I had some trouble getting the balls very big so we have a tiny snowman named Olaf, of course.

Aubrey wanted to get the sled out so we tried it out on some of the hills around our house.  I even got in on the fun too.  I forgot how fun sledding is!! 

Enjoy the snow and stay safe, Happy Thanksgiving, and God bless!


Friday, November 7, 2014

Date weekend

Last week Jeremy ended up with an extra ticket to the Iowa game so I got to come along!  Friday night he came home from work with flowers and we had a date at Peppertree in Osky while the kids had a sleepover at Grammie and Hot Rod Buddy's.  Supper was so yummy, then we headed to Wal-Mart and Hy-Vee for a few things before heading home to bed.  Saturday we were up early to get ready to head to Iowa City.  It was around 20 degrees so we had lots of layers on.  When we got to Iowa City it was sunny and not much wind so it was great tailgating weather.  The game was a blow out and almost all of the scoring happened in the endzone we sit by.  It was a beautiful day and a great victory for Iowa.  We walked around a little after the game and Jeremy found some new Iowa sunglasses.  Then we boarded the bus and headed for home.  It was so nice to just be able to hang out with my hubby and relax.  We had a great time.  Now I am looking forward to November 30 when we head out for vacation and we will all be together for a week!

ANF day - the back of our super cool tailgating bus!

at the game

final score!

my beautiful flowers

Health update

Homemade granola bars
Healthier snack options
This past Sunday I started an Advocare 24 day challenge.  This is my 3rd one this year.  It is hard to believe I started this journey just about a year ago.  I did really well sticking to the diet plan during my first challenge and then my second one I fell off towards the end.  I am motivated to stay strong through this challenge!  I will be done just before Thanksgiving and then we have our big trip to Disney!  My goal is to lose 10# this time and get down just over 30# for the year!  I am so much happier with my body right now than I was a year ago.  My clothes are fitting better and I have even done a little shopping for new items!  I am very happy with how I have been able to stay down on the scale - even when I am not on a challenge and dont always make the best food choices. 
Earlier this week I made some homemade granola to use in homemade granola bars - I have made these before and they are so yummy!  This time I used no butter or sugar and just coconut oil, honey and agave.  The bars dont stay together to well but I keep them in the fridge now and they are just to good!  Today I made some homemade peanut butter since I was running low on my natural PB.  It is so easy!  You just take a jar of honey roasted peanuts and put it into the food processor.  The nuts get chopped up, turn into a thick paste/ball, and then turn into a smooth creamy liquid.  It is so good!!
I also finally found a way I can eat old fashioned oatmeal and like it.  I run my oats through the food processor so the oats arent so big and then when it is done cooking I add agave, cinnamon, dried cherries & blueberries, and a little almond milk.  I am really excited that I am finding some better options that still have great flavor.  For supper I have been trying to add more veggies to our meals whenever I can.  Sloppy joes now have food processed carrots in them, the same goes for meatloaf.  The kids dont even notice and we all get a better meal.  Tonight we are having chicken and rice and I added some frozen veggies to it.  I am sure Nile will not be thrilled about it but we all need to be more proactive about eating veggies at our house!