Friday, November 7, 2014

Health update

Homemade granola bars
Healthier snack options
This past Sunday I started an Advocare 24 day challenge.  This is my 3rd one this year.  It is hard to believe I started this journey just about a year ago.  I did really well sticking to the diet plan during my first challenge and then my second one I fell off towards the end.  I am motivated to stay strong through this challenge!  I will be done just before Thanksgiving and then we have our big trip to Disney!  My goal is to lose 10# this time and get down just over 30# for the year!  I am so much happier with my body right now than I was a year ago.  My clothes are fitting better and I have even done a little shopping for new items!  I am very happy with how I have been able to stay down on the scale - even when I am not on a challenge and dont always make the best food choices. 
Earlier this week I made some homemade granola to use in homemade granola bars - I have made these before and they are so yummy!  This time I used no butter or sugar and just coconut oil, honey and agave.  The bars dont stay together to well but I keep them in the fridge now and they are just to good!  Today I made some homemade peanut butter since I was running low on my natural PB.  It is so easy!  You just take a jar of honey roasted peanuts and put it into the food processor.  The nuts get chopped up, turn into a thick paste/ball, and then turn into a smooth creamy liquid.  It is so good!!
I also finally found a way I can eat old fashioned oatmeal and like it.  I run my oats through the food processor so the oats arent so big and then when it is done cooking I add agave, cinnamon, dried cherries & blueberries, and a little almond milk.  I am really excited that I am finding some better options that still have great flavor.  For supper I have been trying to add more veggies to our meals whenever I can.  Sloppy joes now have food processed carrots in them, the same goes for meatloaf.  The kids dont even notice and we all get a better meal.  Tonight we are having chicken and rice and I added some frozen veggies to it.  I am sure Nile will not be thrilled about it but we all need to be more proactive about eating veggies at our house!

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