Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fall activities

This fall has been pretty busy around our house.  Both boys are playing flag football so we have two games a week.  Aubrey is taking dance classes again and also baton class this year so she has lessons two nights a week.  Nile is also still playing soccer so we have practice one night a week and games every Saturday morning.  Throw in Wednesday night church and you have a full schedule without considering Jeremy or I at all!!  It has been crazy at time with all these activities and all three kiddos in school full time this year but it has been fun as well.  Football and soccer are on the home stretch with only a week and a half left and then the boys will start up basketball.  Here are a few pictures from our busy fall!

Aubrey's first night of dance

Hayden flag football 2015

Dad and Hayden

Nile's first year of flag football

Nile soccer 2015

Aubrey at baton class (she is in the blue shirt)

Aubrey preforming downtown for the fall festival

Splish Splash

Nile in action - Go Colts

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