Saturday, February 13, 2010


Hayden started swimming lessons a few weeks ago. He loves it and has been picking it up very quickly. We also bought a family pass and have been going to open swim once or twice a week. Nile was originally very apprehensive in the water but he has gotten much more comfortable and enjoys jumping into the water off the edge of the pool. He doesn't even mind going under and being brought back up by his floaties.
I am hoping that the pass will encourage me to bring the boys to the outdoor pool more this summer. Hopefully I have a helper that can come with me or someone to watch the baby and the boys and I will go.
Today when we went to the open swim I was able to talk Hayden into jumping off the diving board to me down in the water. He did a great job! At his last swimming lesson the teacher walked each of them out to the edge of the diving board and them back.

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