Tuesday, April 19, 2011

over 1 year later

So it has been over a year since I have written a post. Needless to say we have been busy. April 14, 2010 we welcomed our baby girl into the world and now she is one year old already. Aubrey Jane Rozenboom has been such a joy for our whole family. Here big brothers adore her, Daddy is in love with his little girl, and I have enjoyed the world of dresses, pink and hair bows.

A lot has happened in our extended family as well. We lost both of Jeremy's maternal grandparents and that was tough. Grandpa passed on the day Aubrey was born about 7 hours after her arrival and his grandma passed about 7 months later.

Things have changed a lot for me personally too. On the plus side Jeremy started working first shift last August so it has been great having him home in the evenings now - especially with three kiddos! But this past December there were several layoffs in the office at Pella Corp and my position was one of the ones that was eliminated. I was offered another position in Customer Service that would still be job share. After a lot of consideration we decided that this was my opportunity to stay home while the kids are younger and while Aubrey is a baby and I took the layoff package.

It was an adjustment being home full time but I have really enjoyed it. For a few months this year I watched a good friends girls a day or two a week and Nile really enjoyed that. I am seriously considering taking on a few families and doing daycare as a source of income for our family.

I am also going back to school through an online program at the University of Iowa. I am very excited to start taking my first class this summer - it is an intro to social psychology - which I love!

Well I guess that is enough for this post. I am determined to do a better job keeping this up to date now that I am home more!

God Bless!!
Love - the Rozenbooms

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