Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Happy Easter everyone. We have had a full weekend of Easter egg hunts and lots of fun with family. It is crazy to think that last year at Easter I was still pregnant with Aubrey and this year due to the lateness of Easter she is already one year old!! Needless to say I was much more comfortable this Easter than last!

Anyways - back to the real reason we celebrate Easter. Thursday night we went to a great Maundy Thursday service at church, Friday we enjoyed the day as a family and after the kids went to bed that night we watched The Passion of the Jesus Christ. Jeremy had never seen it before and I hadn't watched it for a few years. I really believe this is something that everyone of the appropriate age should see and I should try and watch it every year or so. It is a very powerful depiction of the crucifixion of Christ and what he did for ME! And all of you ofcouse. Sunday morning at Sunday school we moved from room to room collecting eggs that tell the Easter story. The kids all got to take home an egg carton filled with eggs so they can retell the story to their families. Then we enjoyed a wonderful Easter service, church was so full we had to sit up in the balcony and that was fun to see a different view of the service. Right after church we headed down to Bussey for Easter lunch with the Rozenboom side.

All in all it was a fantastic day, weather and all. I enjoyed a nice afternoon nap while the kids played and watched the Cubs game with Jeremy. I pray that you know the reason we celebrate today and the magnitude of what Christ did for us on the cross.

God Bless
The Rozenbooms

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