Thursday, April 21, 2011


So I finally broke down today and made an appointment for a haircut and highlight. I still hadn't fully made up my mind on what I wanted to do but something needed to be done! After about a year and a half of growing my hair out I have chopped it off again!! I always like it short other than not being able to pull it back at the pool and such but I had gotten too lazy here lately about just pulling it back in a ponytail ALL THE TIME! I am hoping that short hair for the summer means cooler hair and with it short I will have to take the time to style it - thus an improved self esteem and no longer avoiding mirrors in my house. Anyways this is probably more than anyone cared to hear about my hair so I will just finish with a pic from the web cam. Hopefully soon I will get some better pics taken with the kids or something but this will do for now.

Take care and God bless on this maundy Thursday!


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