Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So I have officially signed up for my first online class at Iowa. Hard to believe it will be starting around mid May! I haven't found out what my financial aid will be yet so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be a lot! One class and books is approximately $1000. I suppose you just have to consider it an investment in your future.

I am very excited to be taking an intro to social psychology class. Just ordered my book so I am anxious to look through it a little when it comes in the mail. I have also registered for my fall courses. I noticed that they were filling up quick so I took my academic counselors advice and looked at some of the classes to complete my gen ed requirements. I will be taking an intro to Islamic civilization class and a classic mythology class. Hoping that two classes doesn't turn out to be too much to handle with the house and kids and such.

Go Hawks!

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