Monday, August 1, 2011

Go Fish!!

Hayden and Treyson at the concert


the boys sitting on the stage before the concert

When Hayden brought home a paper at the end of the school year about a concert by a band called Go Fish I have to admit that I really didnt look at it too close and sent it straight to the recycle. The a few weeks ago we got an email from church about a Backyard Bible Club they were going to do similar to VBS so I went ahead and signed Hayden up since Nile was too little. Since Hayden went to the bible club he got a free ticket to the concert, a backstage pass & a CD. So I went and bought tickets for Nile and I to go too and we listened to the CD and I have to admit it was really good!

The concert was this past friday and it was awesome!!! I am so glad we went and we are now fully stocked on their CDs and listen to them everyday!! It was fun to take the boys and two of my cousins kids to the concert and watch they dance and sing and just praise God - it was an amazing experience and if Go Fish is every in this area again I will for sure be getting tickets to see them again!!

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