Sunday, August 7, 2011

University of Iowa

Well I have officially completed my first class a few weeks back and finally got my grade for my last test and my overall grade for the course. I am happy to say I pulled off an A- for the class and thoroughly enjoyed it. Hear hoping that my next semester goes as smoothly since it will be longer and I will be taking three classes rather than just the one!!

Friday we headed to Iowa City to do some tax free shopping and so I could get my student ID made. Wow if that doesn't make a girl feel old standing next to early 20 something/late teens kids then I don't know what does. I suppose it didn't help to have my husband and three kids in tow either. But I got it done and am really hoping we can use it to score some good deals on wrestling and b-ball games this fall/winter!! I asked Jeremy if I could buy and Iowa Alumni sticker for my car but he said not yet - oh well, something to strive for I guess. I suppose the saying is true - "better late than never!"

I already have my books for this fall and start the same day Hayden heads back to school. It is crazy that I paid as much if not a little more for my one psychology book as I did for the books I need for three classes this semester!! My tuition is set to be paid from our checking account this week so if any of you out there are interested in donating to a great cause - ie my education - just let me know and I will get you my address to mail the checks to!! HAHA I suppose it doesn't hurt to dream right?!

Well that is all for now. Hopefully soon I will be blogging about all of our successful renovations and new windows but until then....God Bless and have a great week!!


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