Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hayden is 7!!

Happy 7th Birthday Hayden Cole Rozenboom!!!

Well I have officially been a mother for 7 years and all my children are still alive, healthy, and have not sustained any serious injuries. I guess I must be doing something right!! :-) But seriously I didnt plan to become a mother when I did but it is very clear to Jeremy and I that this was God's plan for our lives and we are so grateful!! I am so very blessed with a great husband who works hard to support his family and it a very hands on dad. We have three awesome kids that I wouldnt change for anything! I thank God daily that I am able to be at home with them right now and enjoy it immensely!

Hayden has always been such a great kid - he is by far my easiest baby and child. I guess when you have a tough labor and delivery it makes everything else easier?! I am amazed when I look at him at how big he is getting and he is reading and learning like crazy in first grade. He has made lots of friends at school and church and loves all his extra activities. He is very excited to start flag football in a few weeks too.

Here are a few pics from his Angry birds party and opening presents from us on his actual birthday - October 3.

time to crack open the pinata and get some candy!!

cake made by my talented SIL!

pinatas I made - so happy with how they turned out!!

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