Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kitchen update - again

Well we have come along way in the kitchen remodel this week.  The walls were finally ready to be painted after texture and priming late last week.  I am really happy with how the colors turned out and how nice the wall look after all the work we put into them.  After painting early in the week we found out they were ready to install our new floor Thursday so we tore up the old sticky squares floor and did what we could to prep the floor for the new floor.  After a long day of either being trapped in the living room or the basement while they worked on the floor it was finally in.  I have to say that I am thrilled with how it has turned out so far!  Now I will be painting the kitchen counters with a kit I ordered online.  Hoping to get that done this week.  After that it will just be picking out new handles for the cabinets, new outlets/switches and covers, and decorating!!! 
                                                          new paint and kitchen floor
                                                            ripping out the old floor

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