Tuesday, November 22, 2011


the counters have been done for right around a week.  they are not ready to have everything back in place and I am able to run my dishwasher and such.  I am pretty happy with how they turned out.  there are some spots were you can tell it isnt perfect and if you stare at them long enough I am sure you could tell they arent really granite but who really should be staring at my counters that long other than me!!  Jeremy has been working hard after working all day to get the new white outlet, switches and covers on and also started putting on the new cabinet handles too!  we made a quick stop at menards on sunday night after the basketball game to pick up the supplies.  I am very happy to have this project nearly finished and be able to focus on school more.
I took my final test for the classic mythology class last thursday so I have been focusing my time on my Islam class and lots of fun readings for it.  I just have a few more things to read along with a quiz, final exam, and research paper left for this class.  I will be pushing hard to get it all done before the one semester cut off date of december 9.  then I will have a month off to relax before starting natural resources conservation and lab at NICC and marriage and family counseling and psychotherapy at Iowa in Januray.  The fist class will fulfill a core requirement and I am not terribly excited about it but the second class sounds very exciting to me and is right up my alley with my love of psychology and possibly a career someday in counseling or something like that!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving this week - I know we have a lot to be thankful this year, as we do each year. 
I am really looking forward to my first real black friday shopping expirence with Jeremy this weekend too!  hopefully it goes well and wont be our last!!

God Bless and lots of Love from
The Rozenbooms

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