Friday, December 9, 2011


We had our first real snow last night.  It was nice to wake up to a world of white this morning but not to hear the snowplow at 4 AM!  The house is decorated and presents are wrapped and under the tree.  Tonight we have Nile's Christmas program for preschool and Sunday we have the Van Wyk Christmas and the church program.  Should be a busy but fun weekend.  I am just happy to enjoy the time off.  I finished up my Fall semester a few days early and am enjoying reading just for fun and spending extra time with the family and keeping up on the house. 

Hayden & Nile will both be in the program at church Sunday night and that is always fun to watch.

The kids are very excited to open presents and enjoy some time off school.  We are trying to keep them focused on the true reason we celebrate Christmas - the birth of baby Jesus who came to earth to die for our sins. 

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