Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas goodies

This week is full of excitement at our house.  The countdown to Christmas has been going all month and we are finally on the home stretch.  I have been making lots of Christmas goodies this week.  Not sure why exactly other than it is really the only time of year I make some of these things.  Had to borrow my mom's Cuisinart (sp?) to make the oreo truffles and peanut butter balls a little easier to make.  Also made something called peanut butter candy and added some chocolate to try and make something like what Jeremy told me about from someone else bringing it to work.  Does that make sense?  Oh well!  Today I made my famous carmel crispix and just baked some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies - these were in a pretty jar and my gift from bingo at the Numark Christmas party.  They smell wonderful just havent tried one yet.  Yesterday Nile had a lot of fun helping me while Aubrey napped and then Hayden got to help a little too in the evening before we went out to dinner with my parents and my grandma.  Doesnt get much better than that!!

Right now Nile is a preschool, Hayden at school, Jeremy at the dentist, and Aubrey and Evan (the little guy I watch on Tues.) are napping.  Nice to have a few moments to myself when it is actually light outside.  Here hoping for a little more snow yet today and tonight otherwise it isnt looking good for a white Christmas here.

Jeremy and I have been really working with the kids a lot this season on what the real reason for Christmas is and why we celebrate it.  I know they are super excited about the present under the tree and what they will get at the grandparents' houses but it is nice to know that they do understand Christmas is the celebration of Jesus' birth and he came to die on the cross for our sins and so we can live with him in Heaven forever when our time on earth is done.

From our family to you and yours - Merry Christmas and may your remember the true reason for the season.

God bless!
The Rozenbooms

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