Thursday, January 12, 2012


Well it has been a little while since my last post so I thought I would let everyone know what we have been up to.  We had a wonderful Christmas and everyone has managed to stay healthy other than a few colds/runny noses. 

Things have been pretty crazy here the last few weeks.  We had been looking at refinancing our house since we thought we would be staying here for the next while with me not working.  We talked to a few different people about this and one suggested that the market is so good right now for buyers that we still consider that.  We would like to move but have always had trouble finding the right buyer. 

Leave it to God's timing but a few days later I got an email about someone wanting to look at our house for their mom to move up to Pella.  We decided that is didnt hurt to let them look so they came and LOVED IT!  Since then we have agreed on a price and drawn up a contract.  We have also found a house that we LOVE and agreed on a price with the realtor of that house!  The only hang up is that it will be a short sale so we dont know when we will be able to get into the house.  Thankfully my parents have a large house here in town so we will be moving into their house at the end of January!!  They will be gone all of February and the beginning of March so hopefully but they time they get back we will be able to get into our new house.  We are all very excited about how everything has worked out and cant wait to get settled into our new home.  It has been amazing to see how God has supplied everything we have needed and taken care of us through this sometimes stressful time.  I am so thankful that I can give all my worries to him and know that his is in control and will take care of us. 

We have been a little nervous about the situation since we have had deals fall through in the past so we have been trying to keep things under wraps till now.  It has been hard since we are so excited too!  Our buyer really loves our home and the new things we have done recently to update things so we are happy that someone who loves our little house as much as we do will be getting it.

It is a little sad for me too to think about leaving this house.  This was our first house as husband and wife and where we brought Nile and Aubrey home from the hospital too.  But we do really need more space and it will be so fun to decorate a new house and to be able to have Aubrey have her very own girly room!!

As of this point we have started packing and plan to be out of our house at the end of the month and then we will have to see how soon we can get into our new house!!

Blessings to all,
The Rozenbooms

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