Friday, January 27, 2012

Moving day

The day has finally come.  Tomorrow we will move our final possessions out of our first home.  We are all very excited but it is a little bittersweet for me too.  I know our family desperately needs more room and our house is going to someone who truly likes it and will take care of it.  Jeremy got the day off on Wednesday so we got a lot moved into the trailer and my parents garage that day.  He also got off early today and we have almost everything out!  Tomorrow we will just need to take our bed down and Aubrey's crib and the boys' mattresses and they will all go into the trailer. 

We will be moving to my parents house for the time being.  We are still waiting to hear back from the bank on the short sale of the house we want to buy.  We signed the papers today for the sale of our house and I cant wait for the call Tuesday for me to go pick up our check with the proceeds of our sale!!  I am going straight to the bank and paying off my car and then Jeremy's student loans and the rest into savings.  It will be awesome to be debt free - even if it is only for a month! 

My parents will be heading south a week from tomorrow so we will only be living all together for a week.  Hopefully that goes well, I am not too worried about it.  We are hoping to be able to get into our new house in March sometime but we just have to wait to see what the bank says.  In the mean time it will be nice to save lots of $$.

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