Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The waiting game

Well we have been living at my parents house for about a week and a half now.  They left early this past Saturday morning to head south for 5-6 weeks.  We are all settled in and other than having to search a little for something once in a while we are doing well.  Aubrey has adjusted like a champ to having her own room and the boys are doing better than expected with sleeping together in a full size bed.  We do have one of their twin mattress here too in case we need it.  All in all we are doing well.  Just waiting on the bank to approve the short sale and making sure everything is in order for our loan when it does go through.  We have been told that the bank can be slow at times with this process  but once they do approve it they will want to close quickly.

We have been keeping our eyes open just in case anything we like better comes on the market.  So far the things we have looked at have just reinforced the fact that we really do love the house on Union street. 

On a sad note we said our final good-byes to Jeremy's Grandpa Rozenboom this week.  He passed away last Thursday at the Pella Comfort house.  I am so glad I was able to get to know him these past 7 or so years.  He was always such a happy guy and he loved to come visit us at the hospital when we had all three of our kids.  I remember he really like holding the little babies and didnt want to give them up to anyone else.  We are comforted by the fact that we know we will see Grandpa again in Heaven and he is happy and healthy now with Jesus.

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