Friday, February 24, 2012

House update

I guess I havent posting much about our living arrangements recently so I better do that.  We are still at my parents house and things are going well here.  My parents are down south and currently at my aunt Mary's house in Panama City Beach this week.  Then moving on for a week in Orlando the first full week of March before heading back to Iowa. 

We finally heard back from the bank on our short sale situation with the house we would like to buy.  They countered with a price that was just a little above where we were so after much thought going back in forth about it and looking at the house in person again we decided to agree to that price.  Now we are just waiting to see what the bank will say from here.  We have been told that just because that is the number the bank  says and we agree to it that still isnt final.  Hopefully things will continue to progress and quickly and we will be able to get the house and a closing date here soon! 

We have decided to do some more painting that we originally planned since it is so much easier to do before you move in and a little work in the main floor bath.  Still trying to decide if we want to use some of our tax return money and put in new carpet of just have it cleaned and wait a few more years. 

Hopefully the next time I write a post about the house situation it will be to tell you all we are moving in!!

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