Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Well the countdown is on.  Our house is starting to fill up with boxes and everyone is excited to have some more space to call our own.  The only trouble is we don't know for sure when we will actually get that place!  For the mean time though we will be heading over to my parents house here in town and it works out really well because they will be gone for approximately 5 weeks down south to do some mission work and avoid the cold weather here in Iowa.  We close on our current house the 31st so we are hoping to more almost everything out the weekend before. 

This weekend will be busy too since we have our final Christmas get together Saturday night - which coincidentally is our 7 year anniversary.  And then we have a very special birthday party for Mr Nile turning 5 Sunday after church - his actual birthday is Monday.  Seems like the fun never stops some days!  HAHA.  I have also started both my Spring semester classes now too.  I am taking a Marriage and Family Therapy class through Iowa with online lecture every Tuesday afternoon and a Natural Resource Conservation class through NICC online also.  So far I am managing everything pretty well.  Some night when I go to bed I have a little trouble "turning off my mind".  But I have been praying a lot that God will help me to remember to let go of things and let him steer the ship!  It truly does help so much!  I have also really been enjoying the start to our reading the Bible in two years program a church.  I have been very faithful to get my daily reading done and if I do miss a day I make it up right away as to not fall behind and give up.  This will be a big bucket list item to accomplish and I hope to do it several time in my lifetime. 

Tomorrow night we start a 6 week love and logic parenting class at our church.  I am excited because dinner is included and they have a sitter there for the kids so it is almost like a free date night!!  I probably wont see it that way after our first class but hey what do we have to lose other than a few hours out of our week.  I am hoping between learning some new things at this class and moving to a bigger house where we aren't always on top of each other things will become calmer at the Rozenboom household!  Insert more prayers here as well! 

Well I suppose that is all for tonight - I need to get back to my reading for classes. 

Stay warm and God bless!
The Rozenbooms

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