Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Allison's school

Well I have officially been taking classes for one year now.  I started last year with one class for the Summer semester and have been going since.  I have earned a total of 16 credit hours and I am almost finished with my required classes.  Just have that darn foreign language after this semester.  I am going to be focusing more on some upper level classes toward my degree like psychology, therapy, and such.  I really enjoyed my Marriage and Family Counseling class this spring and I am looking forward to my Abnormal Psychology class this summer.  So far taking the classes online has worked out really well.  I am able to study at nap time or after the kids are in bed for the night.
I am very excited that I have been doing really well grades wise.  This past semester I got A's in both my classes and that fall I got a B+ & B and one of the classes was very difficult for me.  I started off with an A- last summer.  Hopefully I will be able to keep up my high marks.
Some people have asked me when I will be done with school.  I really don't know the answer to that.  I am just taking a few classes at a time so I don't get too overwhelmed and not trying to get too far ahead of myself.  I am learning that if I want to pursue a career in psychology or something that like I will probably have to get a high degree than my bachelors.  I will leave the future in God's hands and see where he takes us.

As for the rest of our school here - Hayden has 7 days of First grade after today and Nile has two more days of preschool.  They are both excited to have the summer off for lots of swimming and camping and such.  Next fall they will both be in school full time and Hayden has to move from Lincoln Elementary to Madison Elementary since we are now living in there area.  He isn't too worried about this move which is a big relief and Nile is very excited to be starting Kindergarten.  I am sure Aubrey and I will manage to fill our time at home with something ;-).

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