Thursday, May 24, 2012

Back to the grown up world...

Well we made our last mortgage payment on our old house in January and I have thoroughly enjoyed not having a house payment for the past 4 months.  As of June 1st we are back to reality with a monthly mortgage payment again.  It is amazing what that lack of that one monthly bill can do for your savings account!!  Hears hoping that is doesn't disappear as quickly as we accumulated it!

We have been in our new house for about a month and a half now and are really loving the added space we have here.  I have been enjoying decorating and organizing Aubrey's little girl room and it is nice for the boys to have more space in their room too.  The playroom downstairs does seem to turn into a disaster rather quickly so we are still working on the idea that you put something away before you start playing with something else.

Today is Hayden's last day of first grade and also his last day at Lincoln elementary.  Next fall Hayden and Nile will both be going to Madison elementary since we moved.  It is really hard for me to believe that this fall I will have two kids in school full time and one as a Kindergartener and the other as a 2nd grader!  Nile had his last day of preschool at Creation Station this past Tuesday.  I am very thankful that both boys really enjoy school and do well.

We are looking forward to a nice summer with lots of baseball games for the next month and many afternoons spent at the pool.  God bless!

The Rozenbooms

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