Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Advocare 24 day challenge - healthier eating

I have been on the 24 day challenge for 17 days now and Jeremy is one week behind me.  The first 10 days are the cleanse phase and the second 14 are the max phase.  Jeremy is glad to be done with the cleanse fiber drinks as of today!  I have to admit that they weren't great but they weren't that bad either.  
This challenge has been just what I needed.  I have lost 10 pounds so far and plan to continue losing after I am done as well.  It has also changed the way I think about food.  I think more in terms of health rather than just what tastes good.  I am looking at product labels more and finding healthier ways to make things.  I have been sneaking carrots into lots of meals and no one has minded!  And this is big because I really don't like cooked carrots but if I run them through my food processor you cant even notice them!  I made a meat loaf with carrots in it and just organic tomato sauce for the topping and everyone loved it.  I also made sloppy joes for Nile's birthday party with family and everyone ate it, no complaints!  I am super proud of my hubby for joining me on this journey and sticking to it.  I used to put butter and cheese in almost everything but we have survived so far okay without it!  I have been buying lots of fresh fruits and veggies and my fridge is fuller than it typically is, but that is a good thing since we are choosing better options.
We have both also started exercising again.  I got wii fit and wii active for my birthday before we had Aubrey and have started using them again - after several years off!  I am also working out with a group at church once a week along with a Bible study.
Thank goodness for Pintrest so I am able to find lots of recipes and meals to try.  With the challenge we are encouraged to eat 6 times a day so I have not had a problem with feeling hungry all the time.  You also need to drink lots of water and no pop or coffee.  There have been a few days when I really wanted to go to Casey's and get a cappuccino but I resisted the temptation!  Nile had Casey's pizza with his friends party Saturday for lunch and Jeremy and I both have wanted so of that!  Hopefully the leftovers will be gone soon! 

Strawberry short cake muffins - so yummy!

This was an experiment, I had black berries to use up.  Turned out ok but I am not a big fan of the oatmeal texture so next time I would use honey as a sweetener and run the oats through the food processor.

Egg muffins - spinach and mushrooms sauteed in coconut oil and then mixed with eggs and seasonings before baking.  Jeremy really like these.  I used them to make an egg mcmuffin with a whole wheat english muffin toasted.

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