Thursday, March 27, 2014

A healthier me in 2014 - Update

Well it is almost April already and I am very excited for Spring to arrive, temperature wise not just the calendar.  Baseball season is almost upon us again.  It will be busy with both boys playing, they both moved up a level this year.  Hayden will be playing Minors and Nile will be in Rookies.  Jeremy is an official assistant coach for Nile's team and will be helping with Hayden's team when he can as well.  Aubrey has just a few about a month or so left of dance before her recital and then a few months off.
But back to me, I did the Advocare 24 day challenge back in January and February.  I was able to loss about 10 pounds through that.  I have continued to exercise and try to make healthier choices in the food department.  Some days are better than others.  I am down about 15 pounds now and I can tell my muscles are more defined and stronger.  I just recently got a Zumba "game" for our xbox connect and have enjoyed working out with it.  It is a good workout that's for sure!  I have been meeting with a group at church called Fit for Life where we exercise for 45 minutes and then have a bible study, we have been going through Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst.  I really enjoy Lysa's writing style and have been able to begin my work through imperfect progress.  We all make mistakes sometimes the learning curve is to not get down on ourselves and to keep trying.
This summer I am hoping to be outside with the kids a lot and get some exercise that way.  I am sure we will be at the pool a lot and hopefully a few parks as well.

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