Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Break

This past week was Spring Break for the boys.  Monday was house cleaning day, they got it done early so they had lots of time to play their new Lego Movie xbox game.  Tuesday I babysat for one family and the boys had fun playing with the older brother of my regular since he was on Spring Break too.  Wednesday Nile had a friend over for a play date and Thursday Hayden had a friend over for his play date.  Friday Jeremy was off work so we took the kiddos swimming at the hotel in town.  Hayden had his first baseball practice on Friday evening.  Friday night Jeremy had a baseball draft party for his fantasy league so the kids and I got Culvers and watched Turbo on Netflix.  Saturday was the Cadet-o-rama for most of the day and then we took the kids to The Peppertree in Osky for supper.  I think it is important to expose them to nicer restaurants, and I love to eat there too!  Sunday was Cadet Sunday at church so we got up early and all went to the first service together.  The head counselor had all of the boys come forward and say what there favorite thing about Cadets was, it was really neat to hear from each of them.  Hayden said his favorite was the pine wood derby cars in the first service and the Cadet camp out in the second service.  We headed home for lunch and watch Frozen together after lunch.  It was a really nice week spent together.  The boys got ready for school just fine this morning.  I think they were ready to go back and see friends more.  Only a few weeks till Easter, then it will be Tulip Time, and finally Summer break!
I am looking forward to Summer break this year because it will be my first summer off classes since I started in the Summer of 2011!  This semester I am taking my final two classes at Iowa and my 3rd Spanish class.  Next fall I will take my final undergraduate class, my 4th and final Spanish class and then I will graduate with my BLS!
ready to go swimming!

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