Sunday, April 27, 2014

Iowa City family fun day!

Today we headed up to Iowa City after Nile's baseball practice.  First stop was a picnic lunch before heading to Kinnick Stadium for the spring football game.  It was Aubrey's first time inside the stadium and we all enjoyed the beautiful day and some football!  After football we walked over and watched the end of the baseball game.  Then it was off to to mall for a little Target and Scheels shopping.  We headed to Steak N Shake for supper after.  Nile kept saying how much he liked Iowa City and we need to move there!  The plan was to head to Costco after supper before heading home but we forgot it closes at 6 PM on Saturdays!! 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mango Tree

The Mango Tree in Pella just opened up this week!  MH4H opened this self serve frozen yogurt shop downtown.  All of the employees are volunteer other than one gal who is running it.  They have multiple flavors of yogurt and tons of yummy toppings!  I am sure we will be making frequent trips here!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Dutch kiddos

The kids tried on Dutch costumes to get ready for Tulip Time next week.  The boys will march on Thursday and Saturday afternoon with their classes.  The weather forecast isn't too great but I am sure it will be much better than the snow we had last year!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

Opening night at the races

4 of my favorite guys

Last night was opening night at the Knoxville Raceway.  My dad and the boys headed over to the car show shortly after lunch and Jeremy, Aubrey and I went over later in the afternoon.  It was Aubrey's 2nd time at the races and she enjoyed eating snacks for the majority of the time.  It was a late night but the weather was great and we all had a good time.

Coloring Easter eggs

This year we are focusing more on the true meaning of Easter.  We were not able to go to the Pella egg hunt since Hayden and Nile both had ball and we decided against getting the kids big baskets of candy and toys because lets face it - they had too many toys already and I knew they would come home from the Rozenboom Easter lunch with lots of candy.  We did color eggs since Aubrey had picked out a princess coloring kit at Target a few weeks ago.  I wasn't sure how well our brown eggs would color but they turned out great and the kids had fun coloring them. 

Aubrey's first haircut

Aubrey just turned four last Monday so we decided it was time for her first haircut.  She does not enjoy having her hair brushed so we thought it might help to clean up the ends a little.  We didn't cut much off and she was very nervous but ended up doing great!  And got some super cute princess hair at the end!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fireplace update

Last Saturday Jeremy and my dad worked on getting the new fireplace insert in.  Now we just need to put in a new outlet and it is good to go!

Blood moon

I set my alarm for 2 AM this morning to get up and see the blood moon.  While I was upstairs looking Aubrey and Hayden woke up so we all went out together to see it.  I am not sure what the blue thing in the picture is, it may be a planet I will have to do a little research.  I had a tough time getting my pictures to not be fuzzy since I was zoomed in so far.  It was an awesome thing to see, God is so good and His creation is so amazing.

A few more pics of the birthday girl...

Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Aubrey!

Saturday night we had Aubrey's birthday party with family.  It was a beautiful day with a high of 85 and now today on her actual birthday it is only in the 30s.  Crazy Iowa spring weather.  Tonight Aubrey has dance class and I am thinking the boys' baseball practices will be cancelled.  I guess we can all go to Applebee's, her choice, for supper together then!  I cant believe my baby girl is 4 now!  I guess we are officially completely out of the baby/toddler stages at our house.  Happy birthday to my beautiful baby girl, we love you so much!!!

ready to open presents

yummy princess cake!

blowing out the candle

working on her new frozen sticker book with grandma

the boys playing checkers against papa

bedtime princess stories

4 years old today!