Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Manic Monday

Well our Mondays for the month of April are going to be manic - at least for Jeremy :)

5:15-6:45 Hayden has baseball practice.  Jeremy is supposed to help with this if he can
5:35-6:05 Aubrey has dance class - Jeremy is supposed to learn a dance he will do with her at her recital on May 10
6:15-7:30 Nile has baseball practice and Jeremy is the assistant coach for this team.

Like I said it is going to be a little crazy here on Monday evenings!  This past Monday was our first night of all three activities but the rain shortened Hayden's practice and cancelled Nile's.  Hopefully the boys will be able to get in some practices before games start and Jeremy will be able to attend enough dance classes to learn his part in the recital!

On a less manic side I was able to finish one of my classes today, approximately one month early.  It was a guided independent study class so I am able to work at my own pace.  I did my final interview today, typed it out, submitted it, and took the final online all today.  It was a really good class and I hope to be able to apply what I have learned more in the future.  The course title was Microcounseling, which basically mean it breaks down what a counseling interview looks like into more manageable sections for us to learn and then put everything back together again at the end of the class for a successful interview.
Now I just have my citizenship class, which is on the down hill slide and my Spanish class.

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