Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Aubrey!

Saturday night we had Aubrey's birthday party with family.  It was a beautiful day with a high of 85 and now today on her actual birthday it is only in the 30s.  Crazy Iowa spring weather.  Tonight Aubrey has dance class and I am thinking the boys' baseball practices will be cancelled.  I guess we can all go to Applebee's, her choice, for supper together then!  I cant believe my baby girl is 4 now!  I guess we are officially completely out of the baby/toddler stages at our house.  Happy birthday to my beautiful baby girl, we love you so much!!!

ready to open presents

yummy princess cake!

blowing out the candle

working on her new frozen sticker book with grandma

the boys playing checkers against papa

bedtime princess stories

4 years old today!

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