Friday, February 6, 2015

Nile is 8!

Wow it is hard to believe I have been a mommy to more than one child for 8 years already!  Nile was 6 days late and by far my most difficult pregnancy, he was also our one "planned" child.  Nile can be sure sweet, helpful, and kind or the complete opposite.  Luckily for us he saves all of his less desirable behavior for home.  Not sure this is always so great but at least he does well at school and other activities.  Nile seems to have more of my side in him, at least physically.  His features and body type are more like my brother and I, long and lean - at least I used to be lean :).  Nile is crazy about sports and has recently started collecting basketball and football cards, just like his daddy did!

We opened gifts as a family the night before Nile's birthday since we knew it would be busy after school on his actual birthday.  For his birthday Jeremy took they day off and took Nile to Culver's for lunch while I was home with Aubrey and one daycare child.  That evening we went to Subway for supper and afterwards the boys headed out to Grimes for the Pella basketball game.  Saturday was basketball in the morning and then Nile's friend party in the afternoon.  Wow 5 7-8 year olds can go through a few planned activities fast!  Sunday after church we had the family party for lunch.  It was a fun, busy birthday weekend for our middle guy. 

Nile is named after Nile Kinnick, the only Heisman trophy winner from Iowa.  His middle name is Edward.  Each letter is for a male family member.  E - Eugene, Papa Larry's middle name.  D - Duane, my dad's middle name.  W - Wilbur, my maternal grandpa.  A - Armour, my paternal grandpa.  R - Robert, Jeremy's paternal grandpa.  D - Daron, my brother.  Just a fun little fact!

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