Friday, February 6, 2015

10 years!

A few weeks ago on January 21 it was our 10 year anniversary.  On January 21, 2005 we got married at the court house in Knoxville with our parents and Hayden present.  I honestly had no idea what I was getting into at the time but God has an amazing way of working things in His time. 

Our anniversary was on a Wednesday this year and that is a pretty busy day for us.  The boys headed to school and Jeremy to work.  Aubrey and I had Coffee Break in the morning and then ran a few errands before coming home.  It wasn't quite lunch time yet so we settled on the couch to watch a little Netflix.  I was a little bummed because we weren't going to have time to do much to celebrate our anniversary that day.  Then Jeremy walked in the front door with flowers and asked if I wanted to go out for lunch!  His mom was here also to watch Aubrey and had picked up a happy meal for her at McDonalds.  It was such a wonderful surprise!!  He had taken the rest of the day off work so we didn't have to hurry and we enjoyed a nice lunch at Applebee's.  That evening we had a light supper and headed to church. 

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