Monday, March 30, 2015


Well it would appear that I have been neglecting my blog lately.  My last post was in January and it is now nearing April!  Winter has turned into spring and in a few weeks my baby will turn 5!

A few weeks ago the boys had their Cadet car races at our church and the big Cadetorama.  This was Nile's first year as a Cadet and he was very excited to be involved.  Especially with the cars.  My dad and the boys worked on their cars before he left to go south for a few months.  We have all been patiently waiting to see how they would fair against the competition.  My dad makes the cars for show and not necessarily for speed.  At our church the boys both brought home 1st place for show and were thrilled.  At the Cadetorama Nile got 1st for his age and Hayden got 2nd.  The top of their bookshelf is getting pretty full of trophies at this point.  The Cadet year is all wrapped up now and we are looking forward to having Wednesday nights free, especially with baseball practice for both of them on Mondays and Thursdays!

the boys with their cars at church
Aubrey continues to grow up despite my urges not too.  A couple weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon she came out of her room to tell me her tooth was super loose.  She went back to play and then came out a few minutes later with the tooth in hand!  This was a little hard for me since she is our baby and is already starting to lose her baby teeth!  The tooth fairy made a visit and Aubrey was thrilled.  On a side note the tooth fairy has been at our house a lot lately.  Hayden is loosing his molars frequently - which is good so his mouth will hopefully be ready to start the braces process this fall.

Aubrey and her tooth!
Earlier this months I also finally made the decision to donate my hair.  I had been growing it our for no particular reason for the last few years and decided it was time to let it go.  I cut off 8" and mailed it off to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.  It has been an adjustment but I am getting used to it.  Right now I plan to grow it out again - less money spent at the salon!


Aside for cutting off my hair I have also started doing more in home daycare.  I have 4 families now.  One is just one day a week, another is 2 days and the other 2 will be full time shortly.  This has been and adjustment, mostly for Aubrey, but we are pushing through.  With school done for me now and Aubrey heading off to Kindergarten this fall this was an opportunity that came to us at the right time.  I have had several people ask me what I was going to do now that I had graduated but I really didn't know what I was going to do.  I wasn't super excited about looking for something in the workforce but I would like to be able to contribute more to our family income.  The addition of more kiddos to our home during the day is helping with this.  Aubrey and I continue to work on home school preschool and attend Coffee Break on Wednesday mornings.  When this is done in mid April we will be babysitting everyday!     

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