Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Aubrey is 5!!

On Sunday afternoon we celebrated Aubrey's birthday with a party!  She picked Frozen for the theme and was really hoping for an Elsa dress as a gift.  She opened her gifts downstairs in the family room and then the rest of us spent some time unpack-aging them!  We grilled brats for supper, her request, and then enjoyed some yummy cake from Costco. 
Today, Tuesday April 14, is Aubrey's actual birthday.  I made pofferjies for breakfast and we have been enjoying the day.  She is going out for lunch with Grandpa, Grammie, & Great-Grandma, I wont be able to go since we have daycare kids today, and then we will go out for supper tonight as a family. 
It is truly amazing to me how fast these past 5 years have gone.  Aubrey brings sass and sparkle to our lives!  I love my boys very much but I also really like have a little girl too.  I thank God for giving Jeremy and I these children. 
Happy birthday Aubrey Jane!  We love you so much!!

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