Friday, July 31, 2015

The last day of July!

It is hard for me to believe that today is the last day of July!  It seems like it was just turning July on my calendar and now it is gone!  July is one of my favorite months, fireworks, car shows, my birthday, no school, middle of the summer, I could go on and on.  It has been a hectic summer but a good summer for us.  As I look to the turn of the calendar tomorrow we have Jeremy's birthday, one more car show, a garage sale, my class reunion (15 years!), the start of school for all three kids (yikes!), flag football practices for both boys, soccer for Nile......It will be getting busy again!  Hayden just finished up his final camp for the summer this week so we will enjoy a little break from that before the craziness begins. 
We are enjoying some State baseball for Pella this summer and the boys have been going to lots of games.  Hopefully we will all be able to go and watch them play in the championship this Saturday night.  That would also give us a chance to get a few things done in DSM, the kids need a few school supplies and Aubrey needs some tennis shoes, I don't think she has even ever owned a pair!  It has always been twinkle toes and toms for her.  We found the boys some new shoes last Saturday but I struggle to find just the right pair for my girly girl. 
I hope you have all had a fun, relaxing summer and also look forward to what God has instore for us this coming fall!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Father's day weekend

I "surprised" Jeremy with tickets to see the Cubs in Minneapolis on Father's day.  We headed up on Saturday morning for a night away and my first trip to the Mall of America.  It was a busy weekend in Minneapolis with the Cubs in town and the Back to the Fifties car show.  We had reservations at a hotel near the mall and headed for some shopping after checking in.  Sunday we slept in and then headed to Ikea for our first visit before going downtown for the game.  We found a new dresser for Hayden and Ikea and ate some lunch.  After we got home I realized that the dresser was the first "new" piece of furniture we had ever bought for any of our kids!  We have been blessed to find used furniture and were given Aubrey's bedroom set by my parents, it was my Great Aunt's set previously. 

It was a beautiful warm day all the ballpark.  Luckily our sets were in the shade so it wasn't too bad.  Half way through the game we walked all the way around the stadium and took in the different sights.  It was a good game with the Cubs winning!  We even got to see a grand slam!  After the game we headed for home.  We enjoyed the time without little voices interrupting our conversations but were happy to get home and see the kiddos again.  Hopefully sometime we will be able to take the kids up to Minneapolis for a long weekend.

heading out kid free!

yummy steak dinner with this handsome guy!

ballpark love!
Happy Father's Day!

Cubs win, Cubs win!!

Summer Time!

Wow it has been a while since I have done any blogging.  The summer has been super busy for us.  The boys both enjoyed another season of baseball with Jeremy helping with both teams.  Next year they will each move up a level so that will make things even more exciting.  Hayden played first base often and sometime second base.  He even got to try pitching in a few games!  Nile floated around the field in many positions and really is getting pretty good at batting.  Next year will be the real test since there will be another boy pitching to him rather than the coach with the machine. 

Aubrey wrapped up dance and had attended a dance camp as well.  This Thursday she will be dancing downtown with her former class and the dance camp kiddos.  She is really enjoying dance more and more which makes me glad I made her stick with it this years.  She points her toes all the time and is very close to doing the splits! 

Hayden and Nile have both done several basketball camps this summer.  Hayden is finishing his last three on three camp this Friday and then he is on to the Pella High football camp next week for four days.  Nile's football camp will be one Saturday later in August before school starts. 

I am very thankful for my parents and some of the boys' friends parents for transporting them to these many activities!  It has been a whole new ball game for us this summer with daycare full time and not being able to go places many days. 

We made it through our 36th annual Bologna Nationals a few weekends ago.  There was some rain on Saturday morning that kept some cars away but all in all it was a great show and I was able to help my mom out with food on both Friday and Saturday night. 

We also camped up at the State Fair Grounds for two nights for the Good Guys car show over the 4th.  The weather was wonderful and we had a nice time.  There were lots of cars to see and the boys enjoyed getting the free model and putting them together with Hot Rod Buddy on Saturday afternoon.  All three kiddos colored a car for the contest and got a free coloring book of hot rods to "paint".  One big difference this year was my dad's car.  His 38 Chevy coupe has been primer-ed gray for many years now and this year he painted it flat black after they camp back home from being south for a few months this winter. 

We plan to head up to Spencer for their car show in August also.  I am looking forward to stopping by my college roommates home on our way back to visit and see her new addition, Jonah Dean!

On top of all the kids activities Jeremy has been busy at Pella Corp and I now have 4 regular families and one drop in family.  All are part time except one so we do have kids everyday now.  It has been an adjustment for all of us but we are enjoying it!  This fall will be another adjustment as all my kids will be in school full time and 2 of my daycare kids will be in preschool afternoons. 

Nile's team after their last game, it was a muddy one!

Hayden pitching

Jeremy and I at an Iowa Cubs game
Aubrey working on her splits!

the boys ready for some basketball camp
Hot Rod Buddy, Hayden & Aubrey ready to head to Good Guys in the 38

Nile & Hayden sporting their new Rat Fink shirts while playing bags with Jeremy and Grandpa

My dad's street rods

The kids with the Nash

The kids with the now black 38
Good Guys family pic

Nile was not in the mood for a picture

Bologna Nats 2015

Hayden at the Iowa Speedway with Grandpa

Pella baseball Little League Night

A few weeks ago the Pella High baseball team had a Little League night so Jeremy and the boys went to the game while Aubrey and I stayed downtown for Thursdays in Pella.  The boys were able to stand on the field with players for the National Anthem and go into the game for free.  They had a great time.  Hayden was with a player who will be headed to the University of Iowa in another year to play baseball for the Hawkeyes so that was extra fun!

Hayden is in the lime green shirt and Nile is in the blue.