Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Father's day weekend

I "surprised" Jeremy with tickets to see the Cubs in Minneapolis on Father's day.  We headed up on Saturday morning for a night away and my first trip to the Mall of America.  It was a busy weekend in Minneapolis with the Cubs in town and the Back to the Fifties car show.  We had reservations at a hotel near the mall and headed for some shopping after checking in.  Sunday we slept in and then headed to Ikea for our first visit before going downtown for the game.  We found a new dresser for Hayden and Ikea and ate some lunch.  After we got home I realized that the dresser was the first "new" piece of furniture we had ever bought for any of our kids!  We have been blessed to find used furniture and were given Aubrey's bedroom set by my parents, it was my Great Aunt's set previously. 

It was a beautiful warm day all the ballpark.  Luckily our sets were in the shade so it wasn't too bad.  Half way through the game we walked all the way around the stadium and took in the different sights.  It was a good game with the Cubs winning!  We even got to see a grand slam!  After the game we headed for home.  We enjoyed the time without little voices interrupting our conversations but were happy to get home and see the kiddos again.  Hopefully sometime we will be able to take the kids up to Minneapolis for a long weekend.

heading out kid free!

yummy steak dinner with this handsome guy!

ballpark love!
Happy Father's Day!

Cubs win, Cubs win!!

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