Friday, March 13, 2009

First offical post!

I decided yesterday that it might be fun to start a blog to let everyone know what is happening in our lives.
I am currently reading a book called The Shack. I would HIGHLY recommed this book. I think I should probably re-read this book at least yearly!
The boys are growing like weeds! Hayden recently started preschool on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and he is really enjoying it! Nile was not quite sure what to think after we dropped Hayden off the first day and came back home. He wandered around the house like something was missing until we went back to pick Hayden up 2.5 hours later. It is hard to believe that Hayden is almost 4 1/2 already! He is very excited about turning 5 this fall. Nile seems to learn new words constantly and he really enjoys repeating the words we say - Yikes! :-)
Jeremy is still on reduced hours at Pella Corp but he is on days now so that has been a blessing to our family.
I am still working job share a Pella Corp and I feel very blest to be able to work part time and be home part time. I started selling Tastefully Simple 6 months ago! I really love the products and it is fun to get out and meet new people at parties.

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