Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Flu bug

Well generally my family is pretty lucky about avoiding the flu bug. I thought we had made it through another season with nothing more than a few close calls but I apparently "thought" too soon.
Sunday after his nap Hayden woke up with diarrhea and then started throwing up! We tried just giving him some water or Pedia Lite but that all ended up coming back. I was pretty worried about how Sunday night was going to go but he slept well. We were up at 5 AM to use the bathroom and then he drank a little Pedia Lite again and we waited to see how his stomach would react. Unfortunately his little tummy was still not ready for anything so the drink came back up and then we were back to bed at 5:45 AM for a few hours. I am really thankful that on days like this I dont work full time! By the time we were up again around 8:30 AM we tried some toast but that didnt work either. He was able to keep liquids down at this point so we are glad for that! He napped again in the morning and then tried apple sauce but that also came back. We have been pushing the water and Pedia Lite and that is working ok.
Hayden has not eaten anything and kept it down since lunch Sunday. I took him into the doctors today and they tested for strep but it was negative. She also said that he didnt seem dehydrated but to keep a close eye on him and keep doing what we have been. For now the throwing up has stopped but we are still struggling through the diarrhea. His is really too afraid to eat anything so we are just trying a few animal crackers. After the doc appt Hayden slept the rest of the morning and just got up about an hour ago. I am going to work really hard on getting him to take more fluids and pick up some Imodium at the store. I feel so bad for my little guy - he is so weak and shaky that I have to carry him almost everywhere.
Hopefully the rest of us will luck out and remain healthy!

1 comment:

  1. Hugs, hugs! I feel so terrible for you all! We went through all of that with Julia... seven days of diarrhea and hardly any drinking... amazing how robust those kids are... she was a trooper! I hope the diarrhea lets up soon and that he starts to feel better soon... HUGS to you all! :)
