Monday, March 23, 2009


So the much awaited release of Twilight happen this Saturday. I got hooked on the books by a couple of good friends and really enjoyed the series. In an attempt to save some $$ I opted to not see the movie in the theater and wait for the DVD. Target had a 3 disc special edition for just $17.99 so I just HAD to buy it! I watched the movie alone Saturday night after the boys went to bed. It was good but I have to say the book was much better. I know they cant fit everything from the book into the movies but there were something that were changed or added to the movies that I didn't think were that great. I guess I will have to watch it a few more times to get the full effect and then I will probably re-read the book for the third time. I am interested to see New Moon next. It will be in theaters in November. I guess that is all for now!


  1. I had heard much the same about the movie... but I agree, still worth a watch (though I haven't seen it yet) and no doubt I will re-read the book after seeing it. :)

  2. Whoops... apparently Adam is logged into his Gmail so it looks like he's the one that posted... but, Allison, it's me, Erin! :)
