Thursday, April 30, 2009


It has been a few weeks since I last updated this so I suppose I better get to it. The bathroom is coming along nicely. We are kind of at a standstill at this point. We are waiting for our new floor to be laid so we can get the new counter/sink/faucet put it. Things should be looking pretty good at this point. The final steps will be fixing the toilet so it doesn't run as much and putting in the new shower surround. I am so excited to see what it will look like when everything is finished. We already went ahead and hung up a few "decorative" things on one wall.

We are all getting excited for Tulip Time in Pella next week! Hayden is looking forward to running in the kid's klompen classic Wednesday night and then all of us will be walking in the 5K Klompen Classic walk afterwards. Still trying to decide how we are going to "transport" Hayden. I know he wont be able to walk to whole thing so we may just have to use a stroller again. This year Hayden will be walking in the parade on Thursday afternoon with the whole Dutch family. He is very excited since he hasn't actually been in the parade since his first Tulip Time when I walked in the baby parade with him, my mom and my niece Sevanna.

I will post again soon and include pictures of the bathroom thus far and the boys' new bunk beds!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bathroom Remodel

Well we have been working on our main bath for what seems like forever now. It never fails that something we think will only take a little while has been taking three times longer and it should. Pretty much everything we have done so far has hit a bump in the road. Last night we cut a hole in the wall to recess the medicine cabinet and of course there had to be a pipe on the one side. Today we went shopping on another of our many popular Lowe's and Menard's runs and tried to find a new medicine cabinet that would fit our hole - since the first one we bought didn't have a flange. Of course we find out that if you want the size we need it can be ordered but that has a 4 WEEK lead time!! As much fun as it is putting on my make up and doing my hair in our bedroom is I would rather not have to continue doing that for that much longer! We were very optimistically hoping to accomplish a lot of work this week since Jeremy is off work at Pella Corp for the time off rotation. I am still hoping that we get a lot accomplished but we now know that it isn't going to be nearly as much as we had first hoped. I hope to be adding some more work in progress photos and hopefully some somewhat finished pictures soon!!

Nile also thought the work that Grandpa and Daddy were doing looked like fun and decided to help a little too!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


We are very excited for Easter at our house this year. Pella Corp always has an Easter egg hunt the week before so the boys enjoy going to that. Then the city of Pella has on the Saturday before Easter and we have one after Easter lunch with the Rozenboom side. This year the Easter bunny decided to have a hunt at our house also - instead of just bringing the boys baskets. This is for sure an area where, as a parent, I tend to go a little overboard. It generally starts because I am going to cut back from the year before but I just start shopping to early and continue to pick up little things here and there for the boys.

We are going to really try and enforce that the reason we celebrate Easter is because Jesus died on the cross for us and rose again from the dead. It has been fun talking to Hayden about this because he is in his second year of Sunday school at our church and he is starting to understand things and able to answer our questions quite well. He has also amazed us with his wonderful skill of memorizing all his memory verses with little help from us! We are counting down the days at our house and we hope you will all remember the reason for Easter as well!


So my friend Alecia calls me at noon yesterday about going to the New Kids On The Block concert in DSM that night. After considering the idea for a little while I decided it sounded like a lot of fun and just need to check with Jeremy once he was off work at 4. He didnt care so we headed to DSM around 5:30 and had dinner at Legends. We had a great time talking and having a few drinks and then headed to the concert. I was not really sure what to expect because I have honestly only been to two "real" concerts in my life - Amy Grant at Hilton when I was like 14 and REO Speedwagon at the fair when I was 20. We bought the tickets online before we left Pella and we had AWESOME seats. We were row 15 Center! Once the opening act was done we headed to the concourse to get some drinks. I actually ran into another friend I hadnt seen in forever so that was fun. It took a while for NKOTB to get set up and start but if was well worth the wait. I just wish I had downloaded some more of their songs earlier in the day so I knew a few more of them. I was a little on the young side the first time around but I was still a big fan. I remember having a poster and the day I got it was one of the happiest days of my life - at the time. Alecia and I had a total blast and if was definetley worth our time. For Cover Girl Donnie even wore an IA Hawkeyes shirt!! Had to take a few pics of that for my husband! Maybe someday they will come back and do the fair - if so we will for sure be getting tickets!!!