Thursday, April 30, 2009


It has been a few weeks since I last updated this so I suppose I better get to it. The bathroom is coming along nicely. We are kind of at a standstill at this point. We are waiting for our new floor to be laid so we can get the new counter/sink/faucet put it. Things should be looking pretty good at this point. The final steps will be fixing the toilet so it doesn't run as much and putting in the new shower surround. I am so excited to see what it will look like when everything is finished. We already went ahead and hung up a few "decorative" things on one wall.

We are all getting excited for Tulip Time in Pella next week! Hayden is looking forward to running in the kid's klompen classic Wednesday night and then all of us will be walking in the 5K Klompen Classic walk afterwards. Still trying to decide how we are going to "transport" Hayden. I know he wont be able to walk to whole thing so we may just have to use a stroller again. This year Hayden will be walking in the parade on Thursday afternoon with the whole Dutch family. He is very excited since he hasn't actually been in the parade since his first Tulip Time when I walked in the baby parade with him, my mom and my niece Sevanna.

I will post again soon and include pictures of the bathroom thus far and the boys' new bunk beds!

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