Tuesday, April 7, 2009


We are very excited for Easter at our house this year. Pella Corp always has an Easter egg hunt the week before so the boys enjoy going to that. Then the city of Pella has on the Saturday before Easter and we have one after Easter lunch with the Rozenboom side. This year the Easter bunny decided to have a hunt at our house also - instead of just bringing the boys baskets. This is for sure an area where, as a parent, I tend to go a little overboard. It generally starts because I am going to cut back from the year before but I just start shopping to early and continue to pick up little things here and there for the boys.

We are going to really try and enforce that the reason we celebrate Easter is because Jesus died on the cross for us and rose again from the dead. It has been fun talking to Hayden about this because he is in his second year of Sunday school at our church and he is starting to understand things and able to answer our questions quite well. He has also amazed us with his wonderful skill of memorizing all his memory verses with little help from us! We are counting down the days at our house and we hope you will all remember the reason for Easter as well!

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