Monday, May 23, 2011

Count down to Summer break

The countdown has officially be going for a few weeks but we are now on the last full week of Kindergarten for Hayden. I am looking forward to letting everyone sleep in - myself included! Only 5 days left. Pella had two snow days this year so they are making them up this Friday and the Tuesday after Memorial day.

Not sure what our plans will be for Memorial day with Jeremy being off work too. Hopefully it will be nice this weekend and we can get outside in the backyard and have a fire. I have had smores ingredients in the pantry for too long!!

Back to the Kindergarten topic. We have been very blessed this year for school. Hayden had two fantastic teachers - Mrs De Jong & Mrs Visser. We feel very spoiled to have had such great teachers for our oldest child's first year of big kid school! We have been very happy with Lincoln school too. I have taken Hayden to school in the mornings with Nile and Aubrey riding along and Jeremy had typically picked Hayden up after school since it is right after he gets off work. I will pick Hayden up on his last day since they are getting out 1 hour early.

So hears to having all my chicks together again during the day. Hopefully I can survive the summer since it is my first one home full time and I am taking my first class at Iowa too. So far that is going good. Almost ready to turn in my first paper out of three and take my first test out of three. I guess I will not better how I am doing after I get those done and graded.

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