Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

I hope everyone was able to enjoy some extra family time this past long weekend. We had a great weekend with lots of fun activities.

Friday started with taking Hayden to school for his zoo field trip day. Then Nile, Aubrey and I went to a few garage sales and Fareway. Then home to clean the house really well. Jeremy got off work a little early so he headed down to Tracy with Nile to mow at his parent's church. Aubrey and I headed off to school to pick up Hayden and then to a few more garage sales. I had great luck finding some really cute things for Aubrey and a few things for Hayden too. We were hoping to have a fire that night but the weather didnt cooperate so we went to Applebees with Papa Larry instead.

Saturday morning Hayden and Daddy had their last t-ball practice while Nile and I headed to a few more garage sales until it started to rain pretty good. After lunch we all enjoyed naps since we knew we would be up late at the Knoxville races. Jeremy's parents came up after supper to stay here and watch Aubrey while the rest of us went to Pella Corp night at Knoxville. We all had a great time at the races and had fun going to the pits afterwards. Aubrey had a fun night with Grandma Cathy and Papa too!

Sunday we had church, lunch, naps and then the weather turned out nice so we had our fire and roasted hot dogs and made smores.

Monday we slept in, enjoyed pancakes for breakfast and then played outside some. After lunch we headed to the Pella pool for opening day. The boys had a blast and didnt want to leave. The water was still pretty cold but it was still fun. Then home for some rest before the first t-ball game of the season. Hayden did a great job at his game getting two hits without using the tee and getting a few outs while playing first base. The game was especially fun because they played Hayden's best friend Aidan's team.

Today is Hayden's last day of Kindergarten, I cant believe how fast this year has gone! We have had so many changes in our family this year but we are thriving and enjoying every minute God gives us. I am really looking forward to this summer since we have a pass to the Blank Park Zoo and just got our summer pass to the pool. This fall I will have a preschooler and a first grader!

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