Sunday, May 15, 2011

Zoo day

my babies :-)

the boys' favorite animal

prairie dog!!

Yesterday wasn't the nicest of days outside but we decided to take a trip up to DSM to go to the Blank Park Zoo and do a little shopping. I was fortunate enough to take advantage the groupon for the zoo earlier this year so we are hoping to get a lot of use out of our family pass this spring, summer & fall.

It was raining off and on they way up but it wasn't too bad once we got there. The zoo is doing a lot of updating right now so there is a lot of construction going on but we had fun walking around and seeing the animals that were out. I am very excited to see all of the changes later this summer when they are completed.

We had a minor incident while walking through the indoor animal areas. If anyone knows me very well they would know that I have a huge fear of birds!! This may sound silly to some of you but I just cant help it - they really freak me out!! We had walked all the way through the indoor exhibits but there were two blue bird creatures blocking our exit. Due to my "concern" for my children we had to back track all the way through to get out. Then we were on our way to Jordan Creek to hit the mall, Costco, Red Robin, Kohl's & Target. The kids were all actually really well behaved and we all had a nice time!

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