Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer fun!

Well I see it has been a little while since my last post so I guess I should get to work on this. We have been having a fun, busy Summer. The boys both had VBS last week and loved it! It was Nile's first year and Hayden's third. It is still hard for me to believe that I will have a first grader and preschooler come this Fall!!

This weekend we had our first annual Van Wyk camp out at the Marion County Park. Since we don't have a camper we just went out for the food and fun Friday night after an afternoon at the Blank Park Zoo and again Saturday after Hayden's t-ball game in the morning and a nap for Aubrey in the afternoon. The boys stayed out with my parents Saturday night and came home Sunday afternoon. We all had a great time catching up with family and just enjoying the beautiful weather!

We have been spending a lot of time at the outdoor pool since we have a pass. All the kids love the water and it is nice to go and cool off since it has been pretty hot lately. Since Jeremy gets off work around 3:30 PM we like to go when he gets home so Aubrey has had a nap and the sun isn't so strong. I think we all managed to get a little bit of a sunburn this weekend between ball games and being outside.

This week I am looking forward to a little bit less of a busy week. Lots of house cleaning ahead and school work. I am about half way through my online class, I have two papers done and one test so that mean just one paper and two tests left! So far so good. I need to get to work with Hayden on some of the things the school send home for him to work on for the Summer too so he doesn't forget to much of what he learned this year. I know first grade is going to be tougher than kindergarten so we need to be ready!!

This coming weekend is Fathers day but we celebrated a little early. When my parents dropped off the boys this afternoon we gave my dad his present, some garage art by a very talented artist in our car club, and Jeremy's parents came over tonight to see the kids so we gave his dad a picture frame that says Papa. Hoping to get a good picture of at least our kids if not all 5 of his grand kids for the frame. This weekend my dad and Jeremy will enjoy Fathers day at the Michigan International Speedway for the NASCAR race. Hopefully the weather holds out for them!!

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